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Zoning Board of Adjustment Minutes 11/20/2007
Town of New Boston
Zoning Board of Adjustment

Meeting Minutes

Approved 01/15/08

Meeting was opened at 7PM, by Vice Chairman Harry Piper.  Members present were: V.C. Harry Piper, Robert Todd, Ed DiPietro, Laura Todd and Phil Consolini.  All voted.

Eberhardt & Messa, application for a “SPECIAL EXCEPTION” regarding Article II, 204.4 of the zoning ordinance.  The applicants are seeking to convert the current retail store (New Boston Sport’s) at 16 Meeting House Hill Road, Map/Lot 19/44, to an office for Mr. Eberhardt’s (Physical Therapy practice).

V.C. Harry Piper  stated his procedure for conducting meeting and are as follows;
Applicant/representative speaks to application
Abutters for the application speak
Abutters opposed speak
Applicant rebuts
Abutters for rebut
Abutter opposed rebut.
the meeting is closed and discussed by zoning board members with no further input from audience unless directly asked by board member.

Laura read the application

Attorney Callen presented the application.  Under Section 204.4 a hospital is allowed with special exception and physical therapy would be under the definition of a hospital.
Atty. Callen stated the facts; the current facility is a hunting, fishing sports shop retail store and has been for 18 years with 6+ parking spaces.  The therapy office would need one parking space for the therapist, one for his client and possibly another one for a patient waiting, for a total of three.  Less than is currently used.  The sports store is planning to stop operating.

Atty. Callen read the three criteria as stated in the application;  See criteria 1,2,3, in application.

Roger Gagon, River Road and owner of Sports Shop spoke in favor of the application.  He said this use is more attractive, there would be less traffic.  In the 18 years, he had been in business there at never been an incident with traffic.  He thinks this would be a good use.

V.C. Harry Piper said there should be a way that this type of situation would not need to come before the board.  

Robert Todd asked Roger Gagnon if he had a special exception for the sports shop, (yes,  a copy had been attached to the application).  Robert went on to say he had visited the site and noted 8 vehicles parked and there was no problem with parking, turning and leaving the parking lot.’

Robert Todd moved to approve the application as it had met all criteria,  Ed DiPietro 2nd.

No discussion, approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned @ 7:30PM.

Respectfully Submitted
Laura Todd
approved 01/15/08